5 fully illustrated map covers celebrating my home city of Birmingham. I am so proud to have been invited to breathe life and colour into these Birmingham cycle routes. Find out more at here.
Series of 20 illustrations as part of ‘50 Free Things to do in the UK’
Photograph of printed leaflets by Roundhouse Birmingham
Hidden Creatures heritage walkshop and crafternoon session themed around the notion of detecting faces in our environment, known as pareidolia. The 1 hour walking tour with myself and a heritage guide was followed by 3 paper engineering options based around Birmingham landmarks, including a Municipal Pop-up Piggy Bank, Library Bot Reversible Bridge Monster!
Mock up background: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/three-stacked-white-brochure-mockups_3576452.htm#query=paper%20sheet%20mockup&position=48&from_view=keyword&track=ais">Image by rawpixel.com</a>
The Big Read Trail Map
The Big Hoot Trail Map